Monday, May 11, 2009

Sacred Places

Nenek in San Giovanni Rotondo. Begambar ba dalam crypt endur tubuh(uncorruptable body of Padre Pio)
Nenek and her collections ba Loreto....

Nenek begambar dalam museum ba Lanciano-(endur eucharistic miracle nyadi). Nenek really enjoy her trip.....



Tajau said...

Ya**Mantai ke fist**...+@#$%&%$#@?>??%$^&*%#%^*&*^%$#?? puas ati bintang!! asai laban selalu ngumbai aku malap!! Nganti bisi snow di Bintulu ila..kena nunyau pala anak mensia..!!

Otit said...

Good day, Father Kevin.
It;s good to see you again.